Questions about tool
Chris Gardiner
2005-06-15 15:42:59 UTC

I'm sorry to ask sucha basic question but I could not seem to
find anything on it in the documents or any way to do this in the tool.
Basically, I have just setup the latest version of the phpqladmin software
and I'm attempting to setup a sample data repository. What I can't seem to
find is any way to modify user data, especially user password information,
after the user has been created. Nor can I find any way to create simple
distribution list(IE forwarding accounts) or how to actually make new
templates which actually work.

Any help on any of these topics, especially the user
modification topic, would be greatly appreciated.


Chris Gardiner

Senior Project Engineer

Readytechs, LLC.

Office: 1(973)455-0606 x208

Cell: 1(908)420-9317
Turbo Fredriksson
2005-06-15 19:41:04 UTC
Chris> I'm sorry to ask sucha basic question but I
Chris> could not seem to find anything on it in the documents or
Chris> any way to do this in the tool.

Please read the file 'doc/README':

----- s n i p -----
As said, since 2.0.10 it's a requirement to set the LDAP object
configuration, so as soon as you've logged in for the first time,
find the 'Show configuration' page and set all configuration values.
To be able to fully see all options, you will have to enable 'Advanced
mode' and have write access (and have the 'administrator' attribute) to
the topmost DN (dc=com and c=SE above).
----- s n i p -----

Granted, the documentation sucks, but I haven't had the time or
energy to do it better...

Chris> Basically, I have just
Chris> setup the latest version of the phpqladmin software and I'm
Chris> attempting to setup a sample data repository.

Well, basicly you can't do that. You must (!) have a database to start
with, so use 'slapadd', 'ldapadd' etc and read the documentation of
your LDAP server on how to start.

Although phpQLAdmin was intended to use by mere 'users', it's really
a requirenment to _know_ (resonable good!) LDAP and how to get _that_

Chris> What I can't
Chris> seem to find is any way to modify user data, especially
Chris> user password information, after the user has been created.
Chris> Nor can I find any way to create simple distribution
Chris> list(IE forwarding accounts) or how to actually make new
Chris> templates which actually work.

I have no idea what you're talking about. If you have users, you should
see them in the left frame. Click on a user, and you'll get user
information in the right...

Oki, tripple checking. You seem to have discovered a bug. Changing
password is only availible if you click 'Advanced mode' in the left
frame. However, creating a forwarding account, you will have to
create some 'User templates' first. This is done by accessing:

HOME->phpQLAdmin Configuration->User templates
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