Sabbe Guillaume
2006-04-17 20:19:45 UTC
hello, I'm using the latest stable *_REL_2_2_6_
*My ldap tree is organized with ou branchs
|_ ou=mydomain.be,dc=mydomain,dc=be
|_ ou = otherdomain.be,dc=mydomain,dc=be

So phpQLAdmin is configured with "Reference domains with: ou"
I have in the left menu :
Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #2 is not an
array in /data/www/localhost/htdocsssl/phpQLAdmin/include/pql_units.inc
on line 24

Here a part of pql_units.inc :

if(pql_get_define("PQL_CONF_REFERENCE_DOMAINS_WITH", $rootdn) ==
// Look for sub-domains below this domain branch.
$subd = pql_get_dn($linkid, $dn, 'objectclass=domain',

// Either we couldn't find any sub-domains below the domain
branch, OR
// we have the database layout organized with organization.
// -> Either way, look for organizational unit below the DN as well.
$ocs = pql_get_dn($linkid, $dn,
'objectclass=organizationalUnit', 'ONELEVEL');

// Join the two values
$info = array_merge($subd, $ocs);

Here is the problem, pql_get_define("PQL_CONF_REFERENCE_DOMAINS_WITH",
$rootdn) == "dc" is false
so $subd is null and array_merge fails ..
I commented out $info = array_merge($subd, $ocs); and added
$info = $ocs;
But I'm sure you have a better solution .

