Default Domain quotas
William Marques
2006-05-28 23:42:02 UTC
Hi list,

Im tring to put a default quota in my domain branch, without succcess,
when I try to change de default value I got:
Warning: ldap_mod_replace() [function.ldap-mod-replace]: Expected Array
as the last element in /var/www/phpQLAdmin-2.2.7/include/pql_write.inc
on line 74

LDAP-Error #0: Success

- --- DEBUG: pql_modify_attribute() ---
dn: ou=Scinergy,o=qmail,dc=teste2
- --- DEBUG ---

Is like phpqladmin is trying to modify an attribute, but this attribute
does not exist yet... my entries for the domain are:

baseHomeDir: /home/vmail/scinergy/
defaultDomain: scinergy.com.br
ou: Scinergy
administrator: uid=admin,o=qmail,dc=teste2
objectClass: organizationalUnit
objectClass: phpQLAdminBranch
objectClass: phpQLAdminUser
baseMailDir: /home/vmail/scinergy/
ezmlmVirtualUser: vmail
o: 0

What am I missing? Is there some place that I can configure this, or
some extra adjusts in phpqladmin to this work? I try to find something
in google a lot, but without success... maybe someone of you can put me
in the right direction.
Thanks a lot, in advance.

- --
William Marques
Consultor Linux - TI
LPIC-1: LPI000058633
Scinergy Consulting Ltda.
Fone: +55 21 2224-3224
Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
